Game log 2



Instead of one idea, we decided to divide our game concepts into two, a card game based on personality discovery and a board game of breaking the loop of non-satisfactory daily life by finding and keeping something inspirational i. The reason for the division was to get more feedback and perhaps more easily choose which form the game of our creation should take as our team was a bit lost in the direction of our approach.


Despite the hesitations, we stated all of our ideas and the experts seemed interested, given that we had chosen the topic of Mental health, which in their opinion was one of the most complicated ones. We felt like we had potential, but the feedback was crucial to the final decisions that we made.






When the experts came to give us feedback, the main issues of our game ideas were the complicity of the rules and the form that we had to choose because we were divided between making a card game and a board game, but were thinking that maybe we should create a combination of both forms as the cards would compliment the board game idea. We had to make a simplistic decision that would also lead to better gratification and we reflected on the theoretical and practical feedback we were given to see which parts of the game we could shed and which would make more sense to make the game quickly.





We first decided to make a quick individual reflection to break the tension and let go of perfectionism and finally we came up with a new idea.


 Given the amount of feedback that we were given, we decided to reevaluate if the game is meeting our initial goals of portraying freedom and the simplicity of the rules to make the game both easy to play and to construct. We had to create something simple and easy to create and a card game offered more opportunities for free choices as well as less work on the layout of the game, but the personality types that we had created were getting in the way in terms of rule complications. To get rid of them, we decided to reduce the type of the cards to two gameplay cards for negative and positive experiences, and an informational deck to give more insight into factors and consequences of negative life experiences.


The new form sounded well structured and convincing so we swiftly started working on our prototype as quickly as possible, promising each other that we would not change our concept any more.


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