Log 4

Log 4

Game title: Make it…!!! Team Name: Bird Short description: 2player’s take the role of the devil and angel on the shoulder of one of our characters. The devil’s goal is to destroy the character’s sanity, And the angels goal is to preserve the character’s sanity.

Cover Image:

Photo’s of our game

Description:  with our game were trying too loosen up talks about mental health and how events in life could effect it in a fun and interactive way. By creating a story for our characters with your opponent.

 A Game through Culture: We went with the value mental Health: freedom of expression. Because we believe it’s important that everyone talks about their mental health since connecting with others is one of the best ways to improve it.

Team members:

The artist: Isaiah The designer: Tsvetelina the storyteller: Angela the craftsman: Rainald

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